2021-12-28 01:29
page's view : 271
Congratulations and thank you, Lek, for 10 years.
Congratulations and thank you, Wanwan, for 6 years. and
Rose, congratulations and thank you for 5 years.
Congratulation to Lek for being a super learner.
One of the most beautiful qualities of true friendship is Jenny.
And the best helper is Wanwan.
SIAM SPA, Siam Thai Massage And Herbal SPA, is a boutique herbal Every day Spa specializing in Traditional Thai Massage encompassing organic elements to bring Bemuda the very best of Thailand including her exceptional service and hospitality. OPENING TIMES MON-SUN 10am-8pm (last appointment 7pm)
Email : siamspa.bda@gmail.com Tel. 295-3999
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